"There's a reason why, when my son who's six is crying, he needs a hug. It's not just that he needs my love. He needs a boundary around his experience. He needs to know that the pain is contained and can be housed and it won't be limiting his whole being. He gets a hug and he drops into his body. 

When it comes to healing, when it comes to aging, we admire that eighty-year-old guy who runs a marathon. We want to see that proof that mind can overcome matter because the body is going to be what ends up shutting down. And believe me, I didn't get this right away. But you need all kinds of strength. You need to be able to also—and it's an overused word—"surrender." Being more present, surrendering into the world, feeling more. I don't mean intellectually. I mean literally having your body as if you're getting hugged like my son. But your heart feels vulnerable when you let yourself be in the world like that. That's why we avoid it. Dominance over bodies is what human beings have done for thousands of years, whether over nature or over each other. That's one thing we want in our tool belt—to use well when you need to have it. But we are just on the beginning of realizing that there are many other ways to integrate with body. And, in fact, I believe our human survival over time is going to depend on getting much more subtly aware of bodies."

— Matthew Sanford in Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Art and Mystery of Living by Krista Tippett