"Tokyo is a city that wants to cling to the myth of 'safety' as it tries to maintain the function of capital, keep the economy alive, and continue holding onto real estate values. It is, as it were, the stronghold of the nuclear safety myth. Neither the government nor the residents would want to acknowledge the radioactive contamination too easily. In addition we will need a spatiotemporal imagination in order to envision how we are going to live in the post-nuclear disaster climate. To do so, we will need a different position and different thinking from the activisms centered on street demos and protests in a traditional sense—those that act in a shorter span of time. Hereafter the people will have to live with radiation for decades to come. Even if Japan decides to phase out nuclear energy or shut all nuclear reactors, the effects of the accident will persist and stay with us a great deal, for a long time. We cannot seal it off as if it had never happened. How do we live with the 'rupture' of time and space that was brought up by this event?
Although neither Tohoku nor Tokyo would happily admit, we will most likely have to live 'together with radiation.' Under such circumstances, we will have to consider how we are going to create resistance from within the aspects of life's necessities: food, clothing, shelter, living space, cohabitation space, and our own bodies. Three months have passed since the accident. We seem to be at a turning point now, and our tasks will keep changing in half a year, one year, and five years from now."
— Mari Matsumoto in an interview with Sabu Kohso, "Rages of Fukushima and Grief"
Rebellious Mourning: The Collective Work of Grief